The Crisis Dream Team: Trucks And Truckies Got Your Back

Jun 09, 2020 0min read
The year has certainly started off with a rollercoaster ride of challenges, from drought to bushfires to COVID-19. If nothing, the year has given us plenty of conversation topics. However, throughout all of these events, one constant remains: trucks. Trucks keep Australia moving, even in times of crisis. Be it via hay runs, water and produce deliveries during a drought, or being on the frontline fighting bushfires—or transporting needed supplies to hospitals, grocery stores, households and helping keep the economy moving. On top of the gruelling work carried out by the trucking industry, volunteer truckies have also gone above and beyond for the community. A great example of this is the ‘army of angels’ convoy, a fleet of 150 trucks delivering key supplies to the East Gippsland community during the recent bushfires. And this vital work done by the trucking industry is nowhere more apparent as in the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. More than ever, trucks are the means by which online deliveries are completed, supermarket and pharmacy shelves have product to stock, healthcare institutions are equipped with medical supplies. Acknowledging the importance of trucks in times of crisis, states have lifted truck curfews to facilitate meeting the current increased demands on road freight, such as that by the supermarket industry. While the country remains in a state of lockdown, trucking as an essential service remains in operation and a key pillar of the community, supporting other critical industries to keep the nation going. But what are these industries supported by trucking? Let’s take a look. Waste Waste management: no one likes to talk about it in polite company, but everyone needs it. Be it medical waste, construction waste, landfill waste, recycling, sewage, grey water… Waste will always need to be collected, to keep healthcare facilities, as well as residential, commercial and industrial areas, clean, hygienic and operational. Waste management is a massive industry, essential to all, and reliant on equipment such as dual control trucks. Whether fitted as a front loader, rear loader, side loader, skip truck, vacuum truck or roadside sweeper, trucks are definitely still working hard for the waste industry in COVID-19. Fuel Petrol, gas, electricity. These are some of the main types of fuel keeping the wheels turning, the heat going and the lights on. Many things we depend on in our daily lives is dependent on a power source. And keeping power supplies running and maintained at optimal operation requires road transport, which means requiring trucks—whether for transport of petrol and gas or for transporting crew and equipment to maintain power lines. Daily necessities As alluded to earlier, supermarkets have been under pressure to meet the demands of shoppers over the recent months, which has seen bare shelves needing increased frequency of restocking. Buying demand has certainly spiked but, luckily, Australia isn’t running out of food anytime soon; we produce three times as much as we consume, it’s just about getting the food from the production line to supermarkets. Taking up this task is the trucking industry, with truckies working tirelessly around the clock to move food and other goods, all to keep Australians fed and hydrated, and supplied with essentials such as soap. But amidst the increased buying of things like canned vegetables and pasta, who would have thought that one of the most sought after product would be toilet paper? Other essential industries In such a situation as the COVID-19 crisis, clarity of perspective is important. One thing to appreciate is the breadth of the essential services and industries, and the workers on the frontline making sure we have what we need to keep going so that daily life can continue. After all, where would we be in a lockdown, without these industries making sure we have access to what we need? As already mentioned above, we’re aware of the major industries keeping us going, but there are definitely more not yet mentioned—but equally vital. We have trades and services such as plumbers, chippies and sparkies who keep our homes running smoothly, fixing emergency problems and the like, as well as infrastructure construction and maintenance, towing services and many more. At the heart of these, though, are trucks—a critical component in keeping all these industries operational. The road ahead We are in a peculiar time, to put it lightly. A situation many have never experienced, an experience shared globally. Naturally, tensions are high and economic uncertainty presents added challenges, but it’s important for us all to do what we can to keep each other safe and healthy, and perhaps make use of the government’s stimulus package measures, so that when we are on the other side of it, we’re ready to keep going. But as a silver lining, this shared hardship has led many to recognise the importance of the trucking industry, and the truckies that drive it. Road transport has always been an essential component, and crises have often highlighted the need for it, helping to make sure goods and services get to where they need to, to the people and industries that need them. What is often forgotten, however, are the everyday heroes behind the wheel. Truck drivers—no matter the industry, whether in freight, waste or trades and services—are right there at the coalface, getting the job done. And this often means putting their own well-being and safety on the line to ensure society keeps moving forward. Like the ‘army of angels’ convoy during our bushfire crisis, truckies are truly to be appreciated—and not just in the time of COVID-19.   Are you a truckie busting your gut to get the work done during COVID-19? Make sure you’re all across the best safety practices and resources to keep you healthy!

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